New Memberships:
The membership period is January 1 through December 31. Memberships run on a calendar-year basis and, per our bylaws, NRA membership is required of all MVSA members. Applications for membership are provisional pending review and approval by the Board of Directors, as well as satisfactory completion of a mandatory New Member Orientation.
New Memberships require completion of the online application form, including payment for:
First year annual dues are prorated during the year at $37.50 per quarter, depending on when you join; cut-off dates indicate the last day to apply to be considered in the current quarter:
This prorated option is only available your first year of membership and does not apply to membership renewals. New members are required to attend an orientation meeting and sign a copy of the Liability Waiver prior to getting their gate key card.
Annual Renewals:
Annual Renewals for members are due no later than December 31 of the year for the subsequent calendar year. Renewal dues for all members will be $150.00/year plus tax for a total of $162.00.
Late renewals made during the grace period of January 1-31 will be assessed a $25.00 late fee in addition to annual renewal dues.
Any membership not renewed by the last day of January will be terminated effective February 1. If membership is lapsed, it can only be reinstated by reapplying as a new member, subject to new member charges (including the initiation fee), review by the Board of Directors, and attending the new member orientation. The renewal period each year runs from October 1 through January 31 of the subsequent year (4 months).
New Member or Annual Renewal Registration and Payments are made online by using the links on the buttons below. For those who cannot pay online, contact Membership Chairman Jim Patton at, or 708-728-5172, for other options. Submit your New Membership Application or Annual Renewal by clicking on one of the buttons below.
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