Mailing Address: P.O. Box 23258, Hot Springs, AR 71903
Physical Location: 320 Ten Mile Road, Lonsdale, AR
Grid: N34 degrees 33' 39" W 92 Degrees 54' 31
Drew Warwick (IDPA)
Mike Mercer
John Tinney (Multigun)
Marlin Jiranek
(Rifle & Pistol Ranges)
Bill Kasdorf (Military Rifle)
Zach Washington
(Long Range Rifle)
Ray Walters
Staci Claunch
Randy Bright
Rodger Cameron
Staci Claunch
Dewayne Cox
Adam Drennan
Marlin Jiranek
Ted Smethers
John Tinney
Zach Washington
Take I-30 West to the Hot Springs Exit (#111) onto Hwy. 70 West. Follow Hwy. 70 W. to the intersection of Hwy. 128.
Turn right onto Hwy 128 and proceed 7 miles to Millcreek Rd. Turn left on Mill Creek Rd. and follow approximately 3 miles, turn left at the gravel pit (just past Deerpark Rd.). Proceed app. 1.9 miles to MVSA signs on the left.
Follow Hwy. 7 North into Hot Springs to the junction of Hwy. 7 and Hwy. 70. Turn right and proceed East on Hwy. 70 to the Magic Springs/Millcreek Rd. Exit. Exit and cross over the highway.
Turn right in front of Magic Springs and take the immediate left onto Millcreek Rd. Follow approximately 6.2 miles and turn right at the gravel pit (prior to Deerpark Rd.). Proceed 1.9 miles to MVSA signs on the left.
Follow Hwy 71 south from Fort Smith to Hwy. 270 east in Y City. Turn left onto Hwy 270 east and follow through Hot Springs. Once in Hot Springs, take Hwy. 70 east to the Magic Springs/Millcreek Rd. Exit. Exit and cross over the highway.
Turn right in front of Magic Springs and take the immediate left onto Millcreek Rd. Follow approximately 6.2 miles and turn right at the gravel pit (prior to Deerpark Rd.). Proceed app. 1.9 miles to MVSA signs on the left.
Follow Hwy. 270 west from White Hall into Hot Springs. Turn right onto Hwy. 70 east and follow to the Magic Springs/Millcreek Rd. Exit. Exit and cross over the highway.
Turn right in front of Magic Springs and take the immediate left onto Millcreek Rd. Follow approximately 6.2 miles and turn right at the gravel pit (prior to Deerpark Rd.). Proceed app. 1.9 miles to MVSA signs on the left.
Follow Hwy 7 south to Hwy 5. Follow the roundabout and stay south on Hwy 5, about 3 miles. Exit right at the Mill Creek Road exit.
Turn left onto Mill Creek Rd. and follow it approximately 4 miles to the gravel pit on your right; Ten Mile Road forks to the right at the MVSA signs. Proceed right 1.9 miles to the MVSA yellow-painted gates and signs on your left.
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